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My Emotions are my friends

Writer's picture: chowestherchowesther

Disappointment can be our friend. Whenever this friend shows up, we can be reminded that nothing and no one on earth can ever compare with God who’s forever faithful and merciful to us.

Sorrow can be our friend. Whenever this friend shows up, we can be redirected to the One who comforts our souls with His very presence and His tender whisper: “I know…my love.”

Grief can be our friend. Whenever this friend shows up, we can be reawaken to the fact that we were coming from and will be heading home to a way better place than this broken world. The agony of “It’s-not-supposed-to-be” is in fact an evidence that we have foretasted the goodness and beauty of the original design of His creation.

Although these three friends usually bring us uncomfortable or even disturbing feelings, we can still choose to befriend them because that’s the way true joy grow in us and we can become what we’re created to be. Being friends with them can help us not to be afraid of broken things.

Mourning is a skill that requires honesty and abandonment— being honest about what I am experiencing and abandoning myself totally to God and God alone. (Quoted from Bill Johnson)

I know I am blessed, because “blessed are those who mourn”.


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